Cross-Cultural Training

Cross-cultural training is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity.

In an increasing globalized world, cultural misunderstanding can harm more than business relationship: they affect morale, productivity, and revenue.

People and teams that can navigate cultural differences with skill, provide a competitive advantage.

Increase Your Global Sales by Working and Communicating Effectively Across Cultures

Our Cross Cultural training course is designed to introduce participants to the concept of culture and its impact on their role, team or company. It looks to provide participants with a greater understanding of the different factors at work when working and communicating globally. Furthermore this course aims to develop participants’ cross-cultural communication skills.

Listo Translating Services & More LLC’s professional team of cross cultural training consultants are eager to help you and your organization gain the knowledge and skills required for increased performance in an global economy.

We are available to deliver custom, half-day to multiple day workshops designed to help you:

  1. Understand the cultural beliefs, values, norms and behaviors operating in a multicultural environment.
  2. Build respectful and effective cross-cultural relationships with colleagues and customers.
  3. Enhance cross-cultural communication, including verbal and non-verbal cues.

Benefits of Cross Cultural training

Increased Productivity

Avoidance of Costly Misunderstandings

Effective Marketing, Sales and Negotiation Strategies

Successful Business Relationships

Employee Confidence and Satisfaction

Adaptability, Innovation and New Opportunities

For more information on this service, please contact us to discuss your needs.


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